GuideStar, the world's largest and most prestigious source of information on non-profit organizations, has awarded their Gold Level Seal to the Institute for Enterprise for the 3rd time in three years. This honor places I4E in the top 2% of non-profit charities in the world for complete structural and financial transparency and continues an eight year history of being awarded Silver and Gold Seals from the GuideStar organization. The 2024 Board of Directors for the Institute for Enterprise lists the following volunteer business executives; Bryan Poynter, Tonya Wood, Sherri Mitchell, Claudia Watts and Brie Rupp.
The Institute for Enterprise is a public 501(c)(3) charity founded on Amelia Island, FL in 2014 by Douglas M. Newton and John Campbell Elwell to promote the growth of entrepreneurship by helping young people achieve their educational, business, and economic goals in a free market environment.